Saturday 21 December 2013

The Eiffel Tower


    The design of the Eiffel tower was originated by Maurice KOECHLIN and EMILE NOUGUIER, two senior engineers who worked for the COMPAGNIE des AETABLIISSEMENTS Eiffel after discussion about a suitable center piece for the proposed 1889 Exposition Universal, a world fair which would celebrate the centennial of the French revolution. In May 1884, KOECHLIN, working at home, made an outline drawing of their scheme, described by him as a great pylon, consisting of four lattice girders standing apart at the base and coming together at the top, joined together by metal trusses at regular intervals.
    The tower stands 324 meters (1,063 ft) tall, about the same height as an 81 storey building. During its construction, the Eiffel tower surpassed the Washington Monument to assume the title of the tallest man-made structure in the world, a title it held for 41 years, until the Chrysler Building in New York City was built in 1930. Because of the addition of the antenna atop the Eiffel tower in 1957, it is now taller than. Erected in 1889 as the entrance arch to the 1889 World Fair, it has become both a global cultural icon of France and one of the most recognizable structures in the world. The tower is the tallest structures in Paris and the most visited paid monument in 2o11. The tower received its 25o millionth visitor in 2010.
  • General information
  • Type=
  • Observation tower, radio broadcasting tower.
  • Location=
  • Paris, France
  • Construction started=
  • 1887
  • Completed=
  • 1889
  • Opening=
  • 31 March 1889
  • Owner=
  • City of Paris, France
  • Management=
  • Society D’ Exploitation de la tour Eiffel (SETE)
    The third level observatory upper platform is at 279.11 m (915.7 ft) the highest accessible to the public in the European Union. Tickets can be purchased to ascend, by stairs or lift (elevator), to the first and second levels. The walk from ground level to the first level is over 300 steps, as is the walk from the first to the second level. Although there are stairs to the third public and it is usually accessible only by lift.
    This enhanced version gained Eiffel’s support, and he bought the rights to the patent on the design witch KECHLIN, NOUGIER, and SAUVESTER had taken out and the design was exhibited at the Exhibition Of decorative arts in the autumn of 1884 under the company name. on 30 march 1885 Eiffel presented a paper on the project to society des engineers civil ;after discussing the technical problems and Emphasizing  the technical uses of the tower, he finished his talk by saying that the tower would Symbolize little happened until the beginning of 1886, when Jules gravy was re-elected as president and Edward lockbox was appointed as minister for Trade.
  • Antenna spire=
  • 324.00 m (1,063 ft)
  • Roof=
  • 300.65 m (986 ft)
  • Top floor=
  • 273.00bm (896 ft)
  • Floor count=
  • 3
  • Lifts/elevators=
  • 9
    All entries had to include a study for a 300 m (980 ft) four-sided metal tower on the champ de mars. On 12 may a commission was set up to examine Eiffel’s scheme and its rivals and on 12 June it presented its decision, which was that all the proposals except Eiffel’s were either impractical or insufficiently worked out. After some debate about the exact site for the tower, a contract was finally signed on 8 January 1887. This was signed by Eiffel acting in his own capacity rather as the representative of this company, and granted him 1.5 million francs toward the estimated 6.5 million francs. Eiffel was to receive all income from the commercial exploitation of the tower during the exhibition and for the following twenty years, some of the protestors were to change their mind when the tower was built: others remained unconvinced. Guy de Maupassant supposedly ate lunch in the one place in Paris where the tower was not visible. Today, the tower is widely considered to be a striking piece of structural art.
    Work on the foundation started in January 1887.

Design and construction of Eiffel tower.
  • Architect=
  • Stephen sequester
  • Structural=
  • Maurice KOCHLIN,
  • Engineer=
  • Main=
  • Company’s des
  • Contractor=
  • Establishment Eiffel
    Each shoe was anchored into the stonework by a pair of dolts 10 cm (4 in) in diameter and 7.5 m (25 ft) long. The foundation wee complete by 30 June and the erection of the ironwork began. The very visible work on-site was complemented by the enormous amount of exacting preparatory work that was entailed: the drawing office produced 1,700 general drawing and 3,629 detailed drawings of the 18,038 different parts needed. The task of drawing the components was complicated by the complex angles involved in the design and the degree of precision required: the position of rivet holes was specified o within 0.1 mm (0.04 in) and angles worked out to one second of arc.
  •      The main structural work was completed at the end of March 1889 and on the 31st Eiffel.
  • 28 November 2002. The tower received its 200,000,000th guest.
  • 2004.  The Eiffel tower began hosting an ice skating rink on the first floor each winter.


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